You Deserve A Payrise
Jul 19, 2022If you’ve been wondering or have an inkling that you’re not being paid what you’re worth…’re probably not being paid what you’re worth!
What’s worse is that you’re probably not even being paid market value…
Ouch. It's a hard truth I know.
You might have heard what a colleague is paid and thought “how is that possible, I’m accountable for more than them”?
You might have researched roles online and can see the market is paying considerably more than what you’re on.
Does it mean you jump ship?
Not always (but you certainly could).
Does it mean you should ask for more?
The biggest reason I see women in particular, miss out on pay rise opportunities is simply that they don’t ask.
(NB: Not that we should have to ask, we should be paid fairly, and in line with our male counterparts) but for the purpose of my point for this email...
...they don’t ask in a way that lands for the person they're asking.
Or they don’t ask for the "sweet spot" amount, or in the right way.
They end up having a bad experience, never wanting to ask again, and simply being resigned to not earning any more than what they're on.
Gosh, the worst is when I talk to people who haven't had a pay rise in years (yes years!) but are still too scared to ask.
It’s a vicious circle, my friend.
But one that can be broken.
The key to payrise success is relatively simple:
- Know what the market is paying and where you fit within it
- Know what value you add and how to quantify that value
- Be able to design a conversation that makes it a no-brainer for them to say “yes”.
This same strategy allows participants of my Career Accelerator Program to earn on average, an extra $11,200 more when they land their new jobs.
That's just the average, some are earning way more than that (like double!).
So, how do you feel about asking for more money?
Scared? Nervous?
If you'd support in understanding how you can not only get a job you love but earn more too, then come find out about what we do in the Career Accelerator Program.
We have a few program discovery calls available tomorrow and we'd love to talk to you.
You can find time here >>>