You Can Change Careers Without Starting At The Bottom.

Jul 05, 2022

I was scrolling through LinkedIn earlier today and noticed a post from a well-known career "expert".

They started their post with a comment that said "if you want to change careers you have to start at the bottom..."

I won't lie.  It made me angry.  And I fundamentally disagree with it.


Because who has time for that?  And who wants to drop their salary to start at the bottom?

Not me.

And not the wonderful clients I work with thank you very much.

The thing is, most people forget is that you already come with SO. MUCH. EXPERIENCE.

You haven't just left school and are embarking on your first job.

You've been around for 15 - 20 years and you know a thing or two, am I right?

And so to pretend like you are a total newbie who brings nothing to the table is just a downright insult in my book.

There are some roles that you do need certain experience and qualifications, for instance, you can't just wake up one morning and apply to be a lawyer if you haven't been to law school but...

...there are stacks of jobs out there that don't need the exact experience or a tonne of qualifications that you can apply for now. Jobs that will inspire you, challenge you, provide a great income for your family.


You just need to know these two things;

  1. where to look for one
  2. how to market yourself to land one


That's where I come in.

I teach women every single day how to leap-frog into a more fulfilling job without having to tick all the boxes...

You know you have the skills and you know you have good experience... it's time for you to leverage it in a way that has hiring managers scrambling over themselves to hire you.  

Sound good?

Because here's how I can help:

Find a time to talk to me and my team about your career goal and we'll help you build an amazing plan to make it happen

Find a time to suit you here >>> Free Career Call