Why you don’t have your dream job yet?
May 16, 2022I was working with a client who spent a whole session outlining the exact job she wanted.
Her eyes sparkled just talking about it.
She had a BIG passion for it.
I could see she really wanted it (like really wanted it!).
AND it ticked all of her boxes of what she would find fulfilling (it didn’t hurt that it paid nearly $20k more either...).
I was super excited for her!
So, when a role was advertised, not even a week later, do you think she applied?
She did nothing.
Well, I shouldn’t say “nothing”, because she did do a lot of worrying, talking herself out of it, invalidating her skills and experience, and avoiding completing an application.
Sound familiar?
You know exactly what job you’d LOVE to be doing but...
...you get stopped before you even begin.
Want to know the reason why?
Imposter Syndrome my friend...and it’s a real ball breaker to deal with because most of the time you don’t even know it has its evil grip on you.
You just think "oh I don't have time to write my resume”, or “I don’t have 100% of what they need so better not waste their time” or “better start that university degree first...”.
You end up staying in a job that feels "safe” and “mediocre” even though it’s not fulfilling and hope that someday you’ll be “good enough” to move into something you love.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
You can eliminate imposter syndrome and land the job of your dreams right now.
No waiting. No extra costly education. No extra experience.
It’s called The Career Accelerator Program.
And it will teach you exactly how you can find and land your dream job without feeling like you’re “not good enough”...
And it will give you the formula to do it in only 6 weeks.
Even better...
I will give you the exact steps to submit killer applications for any job you want to go for.
To get on the waitlist, simply head over to this link now: