Why do you stay in your current job?

Jul 15, 2022

I often ask women I work with "why do you stay in your current job"? 

Most often than not, the answer is "because I have to work to earn money". 

It's rarely "because my job is amazing, I love it, it drives me and it's my passion". 

Why is this the case? 

Here's why: 

The "system" isn't designed for us to create and pursue a passion. 

It is designed for us to do what we are good at, or what our parents wanted us to do, or what we felt was the right thing to do, or in the area of what we studied. 

But that doesn't always relate to what actually is the right thing for you.  What sparks joy for you.   

If you're lucky, you might stumble upon a job you love... 

...but mostly we don't. 

We find ourselves wondering "how the heck did I end up here?". 

And as we near the end of our careers we start to worry that what we've done has been wasteful, or we haven't lived up to our full potential. 

So... is it even possible to be in a job you love? 

My answer is YES. 

When you take these three steps. 

  • Identify what you truly value (e.g. making a difference, variety, security, recognition etc.)
  • Identify which organisations and managers share and empower these values
    Align your resume and interview answers for the above two points to land the job
  • Align your resume and interview answers for the above two points to land the job

 When you get these things in alignment, amazing things happen. 

It might sound simple, too simple to be true, but they are game-changing and I can teach you how to do it so you too are in a job you love. 

That's exactly why I created the Career Accelerator Program. 

To not only show you that it's possible and give you the roadmap, but to support you each step of the way so you can make it happen. 

That's the level of support I want for you. 

If you're ready for a fulfilling job that you love, then I invite you to come and join me and 500 other amazing women who are taking the next steps in their career.


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