Scary Reality: 3 Reasons Why Your Resume Isn't Getting Noticed

May 31, 2022

Tuesday's truth day comin' at ya fast! 

Let's get straight into it. 

When applying for jobs the majority of people never get noticed, let alone being called for an interview #JustBeingHonest. 

There are three main reasons for this and it's really important I share them with you: 

1) Volume of Applicants 

There can be over 200 people applying for any given job. Resumes are being skimmed on average for only 6 seconds, so unless yours stands out chances are a call isn’t coming your way! 

2) Systems Auto-Remove Resumes 

To help narrow down the volume of resumes being received, an “applicant tracking system (ATS)” is often used to remove resumes that don’t meet the “correct format” or that has “words that don’t align” to the job ad. 

If you happen to be one of these people, your resume won’t even be seen, no matter how good your resume is. 

3) Lack of Resume Training 

For most of us, we were never taught the art of writing an amazing resume. We don’t know what great looks like! For those of you who have done professional training in this field, getting interviews is easy. 

For those who haven’t, chances are others have and it again could be a long wait for a phone call... such a shame! 

When you’re applying for jobs, are you taking the right actions to have your resume in the hands of hiring managers and is your resume standing out and being noticed? 

Critical to getting a new job is getting past the resume step and by not knowing “how” now, your career, family, health, and lifestyle are likely to feel the impact for years to come. 

The difference between one person who has mastered this versus someone who hasn’t is huge in the long run. 

Let's face it: Without an AWESOME resume, you’re going to have a MUCH harder time trying to get noticed and land your dream role. 

That's why as part of my Career Accelerator Program I teach you how the top candidates get their resumes into the hands of decision-makers (and land interviews), so that you can too... 

...This will help you stand out, get noticed and get you on the fast track (nothing better than breaking free right?!). 

It’s not worth all the effort, spending sooooo many hours on a resume, when it simply doesn't get you interviews... 

Having the “right” format that includes the “right” content is essential, which is why you’ll learn the how and what to put in your resume to create maximum appeal. 

I am showing you “top candidate” strategies.

So, if you want to land your dream role in six weeks or less, then get yourself into my Career Accelerator Program where I teach you exactly how to make that happen, starting with an incredible resume.

I currently have a waitlist but you can join it here: