Negative Feedback Was Holding Me Back

Aug 18, 2022

Please tell me all the things that I'm not great at...said no one, pretty much, ever!


I am a huge recognition / positive feedback kinda gal, so receiving negative feedback HURTS. 

It hurts bad. 


How do you feel about it? 

I've improved over the years and have been able to train myself to use it to my advantage, and not let it overly consume me, but it wasn't an easy journey. 

And it certainly held me back in the past. 

In ways that I didn't realize.


I've been told I'm too big picture, too excitable, too fast-paced, I don't delegate, limited attention to detail, too many ideas and simply "too much" name a few. 

I get it.  I am most of those things. 

Especially the attention to detail part.  

(Thank you to those who let me know about the spelling errors in my emails...I am working on it!).


And here's how that feedback impacted me. 

I was walking around thinking that I wasn't good at my job because of it.  That there was something wrong with me. 

I was focusing so hard on all the areas that were negative, that I forgot to put the spotlight on the areas that I was great at. 

For example. I am a big picture person!   I am excitable and energetic about projects I work on.


I work fast and efficiently to move projects along quickly.  

I'm learning to delegate, let go, and take my team on the journey with me. 

I have a place to store all of my fabulous ideas so I don't go off track from what I'm working on. 

But here's the thing. 

Until I realized that negative feedback didn't define who I was, or what I could achieve, I was stuck in a role that wasn't fulfilling. 

I didn't apply for anything new or put my hand up for promotions because I was scared of what people thought of me. 

When I was able to give that up a whole new world of opportunity opened up. 

So my question to you is... 


Is negative feedback you've received holding you back? 


If yes, I feel you! 

If you don't want it to hold you back any longer, then I'd love for you to consider joining me in the Career Accelerator Program. 

We tackle ALL of this juicy stuff so you can live your best career life yet!  Including finding and landing your dream job :)


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