My Grade 3 Teacher's Career Advice
Jul 04, 2022
When I was in grade three my teacher lectured my class about knowing what we wanted to be when we grew up. She said that the decisions we made now would impact us later in life and it was important to focus and take the right actions now. The class stared blankly at her. I mean, we were less than eight years old!
I went home and told my parents who smiled and said I had plenty of time to choose a career path and I didn't need to have all the answers yet. Phew. Because I was desperately trying to choose between becoming a hairdresser, actress, or architect.
And although my teacher was a few years too early for that deep conversation, I often reflect back on her words of wisdom. It is important to focus on your career and it's also just as important to take the right actions. But what if we don't know where to focus or what actions to take? Or what if we are taking the wrong actions that don't align with the focus we've chosen?
We get stuck. It can be so utterly confusing just knowing what you want to do, let alone working through exactly what steps it's going to take to make it happen. And in a timeframe that isn't years and years away. And so we procrastinate. We do nothing. We say "we're ok" and that things are "fine", when in fact, we've totally lost focus on what's important and we don't know how to make it right again.
That's why so many women come and join me in the Career Accelerator Program. They join because they need a guiding light to help shape what is actually going to make them happy in their career. And they want a supportive hand to hold to lead them in the right direction to have it happen now.
If that's something that you'd like (a guiding light and supportive hand to hold), we'd love to support you in the program.
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