Where To Start
May 24, 2024The questions below are designed to uncover where you’re being held back in your career.
Work your way down the questions to find where you may be getting stuck stuck:
- Are you in the right job/career?
- Are you achieving your dreams?
- Are you holding yourself back?
- Are you prioritising the right things?
For example, if you answered ‘No’ to ‘1. Are you in the right job/career’, you need to figure this out before moving to step 2.
Now, I’m not suggesting you start your whole career again, I’m simply saying your passion and skills aren’t being utilised where you’re currently working.
If you are clear on your job/career, know what you want to achieve, but know you’re holding yourself back, then you’ll need to focus on removing those barriers that hold you back.
How did you go? Reply and let me know know:
- What did you discover by answering the ‘suppressed questions’?
- What next steps are you planning to take?
I read every email I get, it’s what lights me up!
Also, I’d love to see you Thursday to help you land a job you’d really love.