When Lack Of Qualifications Hold You Back
Apr 24, 2024Today, I want to talk about something that affects (I dare say ‘all’) professional women: Imposter Syndrome.
If you happen to be one of those people who don’t know about imposter syndrome, (lucky you), but basically it’s that constant whisper of self-doubt that tells you ‘you’re not up to this’.
You may have the experience, and skills, yet you can't help but question your own worth.
Especially if you don't have that little piece of paper that says "you're qualified!".
If you're nodding your head in recognition, you're not alone. Many, remarkable women struggle with these feelings too.
I used to hesitate applying for jobs because I wasn't “sufficiently” qualified. Not having a university degree, when it felt like everyone else around me did, really messed with my head.
It was a chip on my shoulder I couldn't shake, no matter how much real world experience I got under my belt.
Having a qualification does open doors to larger organisations, promotions and significant increases in salary - a 30% boost in average lifetime earnings says the Australian Journal of Labour Economics.
But let’s face it, it takes 1 - 6 years to do it.
And often, piles of money to get started.
When I first felt this way I was in my mid twenties and I didn't have heaps of time to commit to studying or loads of money.
And because I am someone who LOVES hacking their career I decided to look for ways around this little problem I was facing.
The question I asked myself was: "How do I get qualified and boost my confidence without actually having to study?".
And like a dog with a bone, I found a way.
Here’s how to get qualified without further study, or exorbitant costs.
Say hello to RPL.
It stands for Recognition of Prior Learning, it’s a process of turning your skills, knowledge and experience into nationally recognised qualifications.
Being awarded qualifications through RPL means that you don’t have to study what you already know. Instead, you can literally convert your experience into qualifications.
(I talked about this in a previous newsletter last year and I had such an awesome response, I had to make sure everyone knew about it this year too)
I had no qualifications to my name but I was able to gain a Certificate IV in Business and a Diploma of Management through RPL at Victoria University.
You know how long it took me? A couple of hours. And it drastically opened doors for me.
Primarily because it helped me put my incessant imposter thoughts aside and gave me the confidence to apply for jobs that were previously “out of my reach”.
I did it again, this time in my mid thirties.
I applied for a Post Grad in Communications at Griffith University without having studied an undergrad. I was able to use recognition of prior learning to show I had enough work experience to totally skip ahead and it saved me years of time and money.
(I also convinced my work to pay for it but that's a story for another day).
Hello strategic corner cutting!
So, where can you start?
There are quite a few companies that do it, but I’ve worked with organisations like Churchill Education who provide a stack of qualifications based on experience.
There are loads out there though, all you have to do is search your field of choice and "RPL".
Here's the key takeaway when it comes to imposter syndrome...
Work on what you can in this very moment.
I was holding myself back because of my own limiting beliefs around qualifications.
And even though now I know there are many different ways to land awesome roles without being qualified (I teach this all the time), sometimes a quick strategy like RPL can get you over the confidence slump and into action.
It's something you can look into right now (and I suggest you do!), because regardless of whether you're in the market for a new role, added qualifications also give you a better chance to increase your salary during performance review times.
Check out what's possible for you and get those jobs you always dreamed of (minus the imposter syndrome!).