Stuck in a 'fixed' mindset?
Oct 31, 2023We’ve all heard the phrase ‘mind over matter’, but as an adult, we don’t really put it into practice. We’re often so quick to encourage our kids (or other people), if you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything. But often our own worst enemies and don't practice what we preach.
A ‘Fixed’ Mindset
Is when we believe our situation or issues are not going to change, we either need to put up with it, or leave. There's basically no room for growth or development.
People with a fixed mindset often feel stuck, they steer clear of anything new, challenging, or adventurous because they're afraid it might uncover their limitations - cause let’s be honest ladies, we can never show that we don’t ‘have it together’ 100% of the time can we?
A fixed mindset lets us play it safe. We all get nervous about failure, but I tell you, it’s the quickest and most potent way to slow down career growth.
A ‘Growth’ Mindset
Now, on the other hand, there's the 'growth' mindset. This one's all about believing that our abilities can grow and improve if we just put in some effort and keep learning.
People with a growth mindset see ‘challenges’ as an opportunity to get better and level up. They’re not ‘setbacks’ - they’re stepping stones for learning and growing.
Shifting Your Mindset
Do you feel stuck in a bad situation? If so, be honest about it - own it.
Then, do something about it - as a friend how they would fix your issue, talk to a mentor or even a trusted work mate.
In the upcoming CAP happening in November, we take a deep dive into ‘Growth vs. Fixed Mindset’ in terms of career transition.
You’d be AMAZED at the difference a little perspective makes…