Say “no” without saying “no”
Feb 09, 2024
Ladies, for those moments when it feels like the universe is conspiring against your ability to say “no,” let's sprinkle in a dash of charm with these sentences. I've personally used each one and can vouch for their effectiveness:
Caveat: If you’re a chronic “yes person” it may take a few goes before people realise you’re serious. Stick at it though - the benefits are AMAZING.
My Top “No” statements:
To your Manager:
- I’m at full capacity right now, did you want me to stop working on something else to do this?
- I can do it, but probably not until next month as I’m working on a high priority item
- I'm currently at capacity, but can we we consider when would be a better time in the future?
To your Colleague:
- I actually think you’re the best person to follow this through - to help you, I think the best people to work with is [name/s]
- I’m at full capacity, but if I were you I would go and talk to [name]
- Let’s have a chat with X, I think they would be ideal at seeing this item through.
- I actually recommend we don’t start work on this item yet, until we are clear on XYZ.
- Another way we could do that is [insert other option]. The best person to do that would be [name].
To Senior Management:
- My manager has me working on a high priority item, if this needs to get done we’ll need to chat with them to figure out which is priority.
- Thank you for considering me; however, I have other pressing commitments right now but I will take this request to my manager
Which one will you make your “go to” this month?