New job season! Time to strike is now!

career job vacancy new job Oct 25, 2023

Want a new job? 😏

Right now, (before the festive season is upon us…yep…that came round again quickly huh!?), is probably the best time of year to be looking for a job - especially in particular locations and industries, let me explain…

First of all, job vacancy rates are incredibly high at the moment, which is creating an environment where businesses are desperately wanting staff. 

However, as you can see, this is starting to change. 

The reason?

77.4% of job vacancies are from recent resignations (I know that’s a given, but c’mon, that’s a lot of vacancies for a relatively short period of time.) 

38.6% of job vacancies are directly related to increased workload.

Currently, industries with the highest vacancies are:

  • Health care and social assistance (68.1k)

  • Professional, scientific and technical services (42.5k)

  • Accommodation and food services (41.4k)

  • Retail trade (38.5k)

  • Public administration and safety (33.2k) 

So there are plenty of jobs, right?


The graph below shows a downward trend especially in NSW and Victoria, with a 18.8% and 21.3% reduction since the previous year.

So whilst job vacancies are still high, it may not be the case for too long. 😬

The iron is hot! Strike! Strike!💥