How to manage conflict, which is on the rise...

Oct 14, 2024

Lovely lady,

Recent research by Myer-briggs indicates that conflict in the workplace has increased...

And let's face it, we didn't need a research paper to tell us that! 

But what it does mean is that on average, managers are dealing with conflict around 4 hours per week...

That's 192 hours per year!  

No wonder you're tired, stressed and wishing you could move into an "easier" job.  

The typical way we managers deal with it (knowing that most managers have not been formally trained in managing conflict the right way), is either...  

1. Avoidance  

This not only takes power away from the manager and gives it to the employee, but it also frustrates the heck out of the rest of the team!  Usually to the point where they're talking about you behind your back because they're so fed up with the team dynamic.     

2. Over Dominance  

Although you may get what you want initially, it leaves your team feeling crap and leads to them wanting to leave, or fight back.  No one wants a toxic team war.   

3. Outsource   

Basically where you don't want to deal with it so you handball this off to a team leader who you want to "step up" and rid your hands of it.  I've seen this so many times and it erodes any respect your team once had for you. 

All three of these things end up in a not ideal outcome for you or your team.   

Instead, I recommend watching this weeks training, putting your big girl pants on and stepping up as a leader.

This 20min training will show you how to become an influential leader who creates high performing teams simply by the way you give tough in the moment feedback - confidently. 

At the times your team / colleagues / stakeholders need it most.    

And it's been so effective it's literally changed and reshaped the culture of organisations I've worked within.

Watch the special training

Here's to being the amazing leader you know you can be.

Em x

P.S.  I have a special announcement soon about this years Leadership Accelerator Program...a program where over 12 months you become the confident leader who want to be who oozes executive presence and has the pay package to show for it.  


Hit reply and I'll get you on the early bird list to find out more.