3 Steps to Move On
Feb 23, 2024
When rejection bites you in the rear end, here is a quick career hack that can get you back on track, quick!
- Step 1: Open your phone
- Step 2: Download the Insight Timer App
- Step 3: Search “Job Rejection” and you’ll find numerous guided meditations such as:
- Diffusing Rejection by Shannon Moyer
Moving Through Rejection by Tibby Durney
Dealing With Rejection by Lisa Oglesbee
Find one that resonates with you (and you like the sound of their voice - that’s a huge one for me), and listen to that meditation every single day for 1 week.
This can totally reduce your stress levels by up to 86%, and give you the benefit of having an invisible shield that keeps you calm and collected, even when the going gets tough.
Even if you’re not a “meditator” I challenge you to at least try it. It’s life changing.